Here's the SIMPLE, no-brainer instructions for how I made Brittlynn's Jessie from Toy Story Halloween costume :)
Instructions:- 2 sheets of yellow felt
- 1 sheet of brown felt (each sheet of felt was only 22 cents)
- cow print fabric (i bought 2 cow print bandanas for 99 cents)
- red fabric marker (you could just use a red sharpie too but I wanted to make sure it'd work!)
- 2 large sized round jewels
- white long sleeved onesie
- jeans (I'm proud of myself for asking around to get some for free! thanks to Crissy for the donation!)
- boots (found at a kids sale for $3!)
- You'll also need scissors and a glue gun!
1. I cut out the yellow felt to fit in the collar area of the onesie as well as two yellow pieces to make cuffs around the arms
2. Then I took the marker and drew loops on the collar piece and cuff pieces. In the past I would have stressed out over making them perfect. But as I add more children to my life, my need for perfection becomes less and less. Haha!
3. I cut an oval out from the brown felt to look like a belt buckle on the jeans. I also cut the cow print fabric to look like chaps.
4. I placed the jewels on the chest to look like buttons then used a hot glue gun and glued it all on the outfit!!! NO SEWING! :)
Having an infant meant not even attempting a cow girl hat so I used a bow I had that matched the theme! Looks like a good match to me :) A cute, simple Halloween costume costing me under $15 total!